Accurate and reliable CO2 footprint of logistics operations

Carbon Footprinting: effectively reducing CO2

Much has been done to combat climate change. Urgent action is required. Given this urgency, the European Climate Agreement legally requires companies to demonstrably reduce their emissions by 55% below 1990 levels by 2030. The ultimate goal: reduce net emissions to zero. Carbon footprinting, CO2 mapping and assignment to activities, is indispensable for effective reduction measures. This includes logistics.
This website provides insight into the internationally used calculation method. There are also practical manuals available to apply carbon footprinting within a company correctly and in a verified manner.

Carbon footprinting scale up

The logistics sector has made great efforts to improve its carbon footprinting. Its contributions include the development of the ISO 14083 standard, the international standard for carbon footprinting in logistics. This standard was mandated by the development of the CountEmissionsEU legislation. Now that a solid foundation is in place, it is important for companies to calculate their own emissions and allocate them to activities. This allows them to take effective steps to reduce their footprint. There are also financial benefits. Assignment of CO2 at the shipment level provides valuable insights to optimize logistics efficiency and improve business results.


Carbon Footprinting in accordance with EU legislation

Reporting and demonstrably reducing the CO2 emissions of all European companies within transport and logistics, requires three conditions. The information shared must be comparable and reliable. Companies should be able to calculate the information simply and quickly. The CountEmissionsEU legislation was developed with these principles in mind. This legislation uses the ISO 104083 standard as its Carbon Footprinting methodology. How do you apply this standard within a company or software package? We will look into the key points.

All about ISO 14083 verification

The ISO 14083 standard shows clearly what companies must do. But not how to do this. Topsector Logistics had several tools developed for companies to implement Carbon Footprinting step by step and work toward ISO 14083 verification. They include a Self-Assessment Questionnaire and a Guidance Document. This verification guarantees to customers and partners that your CO2emissions reports meet EU requirements.

Carbon footprinting scale up

The logistics sector has made great efforts to improve its carbon footprinting. Its contributions include the development of the ISO 14083 standard, the international standard for carbon footprinting in logistics. This standard was mandated by the development of the CountEmissionsEU legislation. Now that a solid foundation is in place, it is important for companies to calculate their own emissions and allocate them to activities. This allows them to take effective steps to reduce their footprint. There are also financial benefits. Assignment of CO2 at the shipment level provides valuable insights to optimize logistics efficiency and improve business results.


Carbon Footprinting in accordance with EU legislation

Reporting and demonstrably reducing the CO2 emissions of all European companies within transport and logistics, requires three conditions. The information shared must be comparable and reliable. Companies should be able to calculate the information simply and quickly. The CountEmissionsEU legislation was developed with these principles in mind. This legislation uses the ISO 104083 standard as its Carbon Footprinting methodology. How do you apply this standard within a company or software package? We will look into the key points.

All about ISO 14083 verification

The ISO 14083 standard shows clearly what companies must do. But not how to do this. Topsector Logistics had several tools developed for companies to implement Carbon Footprinting step by step and work toward ISO 14083 verification. They include a Self-Assessment Questionnaire and a Guidance Document. This verification guarantees to customers and partners that your CO2emissions reports meet EU requirements.

So-called primary data provide the most reliable information. These are the data measured by the companies. For example, fuel or energy consumption. Based on these measurements, CO2 emissions can be accurately determined. Unfortunately, it is not (yet) always possible to measure yourself or receive measured information from chain partners. Therefore, it is important to have reliable and useful models and standard values: the secondary data. However, accurate sampling in practice shows that the current characteristic parameters do not give a realistic picture of CO2 emissions. Therefore, Topsector Logistics developed a reliable and easy alternative based on primary data. The Transport Performance Database.

About Topsector Logistiek

Together with companies, governments and research institutions, the Topsector Logistics is working toward the 2050 ambition: a competitive and emission-free logistics sector in the Netherlands. To achieve this ambition, Topsector Logistics has actively contributed to the realization of the ISO standard 14083, the Transport Performance Database and supporting companies to make Carbon Footprinting part of their business operations. All developed guidelines and products were extensively tested in daily practice and are available to companies in the Netherlands and the EU.


Do you still have questions about Carbon Footprinting within transport and logistics? If so, please contact Topsector Logistiek.


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